This is a description of the leasing policy, procedures and required information of Lely Island Estates.
Please note that the information is to be provided at least ten (10) business days prior to the start date of the lease.
The required form for leasing (Lease Approval Application) immediately follows this description:
Leasing Policy – Summary
- No more than four (4) leases per year
- Minimum lease of thirty (30) days
- Owner must collect tourist tax on rentals less than six (6) months. Failure to do so is a criminal
- Entire residence must be leased
- Lessee(s) must be a natural person(s)
- Lely Island single family homes are to be occupied by “single families”. This is the definition in governing
documents. This applies also to rentals.
- Owner must provide copy of HOA rules to lessees
- All provisions of Lely Island Estates Documents and Rules and Regulations shall be applicable and
enforceable against all occupants and guests
- No option for lessee to extend or renew the lease for any additional period
- No subleasing or assignment of lease rights
- The Association may terminate the lease and evict the tenants in the event of breach of covenants
Leasing Procedures
- The homeowner/agent must submit a signed Lely Island Estates Neighborhood Association (LIENA)
Lease Approval Application signed by Owner(s) and Lessee(s). Full signatures required; initials not
acceptable; agent signature(s) is not acceptable. Our HOA will not accept a LIENA Lease Approval
Application from the tenant.
- The homeowner/agent must also submit a copy of the formal lease agreement between the
Owner(s) and Lessee(s).
- The homeowner is responsible for furnishing a copy of, and ensuring the Lessee is aware of, the Rules
and Regulations of LIENA. They can be found on our HOA website.
- Our HOA will have ten (10) business days from the day of receipt of the LIENA Lease Approval
Application, with all required information and signatures, to review the lease. Leases must be approved
prior to occupancy.
- The homeowner/agent is required to notify the HOA of any changes to the lease, including cancellation or
change of start/end dates of the lease.
- The homeowner/agent must notify the HOA if the Lessee vacate the property prior to the end of the
- Lessees must work with the homeowner/agent when applying for tenancy. The HOA does not assist the
Lessee in applying for a lease.
Required Leasing Information in Writing
- Owner: name(s), permanent address(es), phone(s), cell phone(s), email address(es), emergency
contact information
- Lease property address:
- Start/end dates:
- Lessee(s): name(s), permanent address(es), phone(s), cell phone(s), email address(es);
names and ages of all occupants, including children (how many and ages);
make, model, color, license plate number and state of issue for all vehicles
- Pets: Kind of pet(s) and name(s).
- Acknowledgment that all provisions of Lely Island Estates Documents and Rules and Regulations shall
be applicable and enforceable against all occupants and guests
Subject to future revisions 09/22/22
4915 Rattlesnake Hammock Rd. Suite #208
Naples, FL 34113
Please type or print legibly the following information:
Lease Start: ............................................................................................................................
Lease End: ............................................................................................................................
Lease Property Address: ...........................................................................................................
Property Owner Name: .............................................................................................................
Property Owner Permanent Address: ..........................................................................................
Property Owner Email Address: ..................................................................................................
Home phone: ..........................................................................................................................
Cell phone: .............................................................................................................................
Emergency Contact Name: ...................................................... Phone: .....................................
Lessee Name (1): ....................................................................................................................
Email: ................................................................................... Phone: ....................................
Lessee Name (2): ....................................................................................................................
Email: ................................................................................... Phone: ....................................
Current Home Address: ............................................................................................................
City: ................................................................... State: .............. Zip Code: .........................
The Documents of Lely Island Estates Neighborhood Association, Inc., state that each home is designed for use and occupancy by a single family. This also applies to rentals. Please state name, relationship, and age of all other persons (other than applicants) who will be occupying the unit on a regular basis). (Use additional sheet if necessary)
Name ............................................................. Relationship ................................. Age ............
Name ............................................................. Relationship ................................. Age ............
Name ............................................................. Relationship ................................. Age ............
Name ............................................................. Relationship ................................. Age ............
Name ............................................................. Relationship ................................. Age ............
Have any of the applicants ever been convicted of a felony or crime involving violence to persons or property? Yes/No (circle one)
If so, please provide full details on separate sheet of paper and return with application
Cars to be kept at Lely Island Estates Lease Property (including Rental Car if applicable):
Make/Model .............................. Year .......... Color ............ License Plate ............... State ..........
Make/Model .............................. Year .......... Color ............ License Plate ............... State ..........
Make/Model .............................. Year .......... Color ............ License Plate ............... State ..........
Please list any Pets that will be on the premises:
Kind of Pet: .......................................................... Name: ..........................................................
Kind of Pet: .......................................................... Name: ..........................................................
Please ensure all boxes are complete before submitting to the HOA.
Lease Application Check List:
o A complete and legible "Lease Approval Application" (this form)
o This form must be signed by the Owner(s) and all Lessees, and must be submitted by mail
or email (addresses at top of form)
o Owner or realtor to provide LIENA Documents and Rules & Regulations to Lessee(s)
o Copy of formal lease agreement between Owner(s) and Lessee(s)
For questions regarding the status of the lease application or any other leasing questions, the tenant should reach out to the homeowner or real estate agent directly.
I/We acknowledge and agree that all provisions of Lely Island Estates Documents and Rules & Regulations shall be applicable and enforceable against all occupants and guests.
Lessee Signature: ............................................................................. Date: ............................
Lessee Signature: ............................................................................. Date: ............................
Owner Signature: .............................................................................. Date: ............................
Owner Signature: .............................................................................. Date: ............................
Lely Island Estates HOA page 3 of 3 09/22/22