Lely Island Estates
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Home Guests & Realtor Information
Welcome to the Lely Island Estates Neighborhood Association (LIENA) website. This website was created to serve the residents of Lely Island Estates and to provide information to visitors about our community.
LIENA monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm.  They are held in the LCDD maintenance building at 6815 Wildflower Way.  Turn right as if you are going into the dog park; go past the dog park and then turn right again.  All members are welcome
We are a covenant restricted community.  For a summary of the covenant restrictions click here. We encourage realtors to share this information with prospective buyers.  For an official, printable, copy of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, click here.  For a copy of amendments click click here, here, and here.  For a copy of the Fine Schedule for Violations of Covenants, Rules and Regulations, click here.  For a copy of the adopted budget click here.  For residents or Real Estate Agents, who are selling homes within Lely Island Estates, be advised that there are restrictions on for sale signs.  For details on signage regulations, click here and for a sample photo click here.  Ownership transfers must be approved by the Lely Resort Master Property Owners Association, C/O Cardinal Management Group of Florida, Inc., 4670 Cardinal Way, Naples, Florida  34112, (239) 774-0723.  For more information, which includes Section 5.08 of Lely Resort Master Association, and rules and regulations, click here.  The Lely Island Estates HOA does not approve ownership transfers, however we do require the new owner to provide contact information, so that we can contact them in case of emergency, such as water running out the front door.  Yes that has happened.  The best way to provide contact information is to register on this website as soon as possible after closing.  For assistance contact admin@lelyisland.com 
If you are a visitor to our site, feel free to view the information about our community, homes for sale, advertisements and other information listed under the welcome section of the menu on the left. If you are a business and would like to advertise on our web site, contact a board member or email us by clicking here and selecting admin. The fee for advertising on our site is $40 per year.  Realtors, if you would like a hard copy of our covenants, email admin@lelyisland.com or call. The fee for covenant documents is $25. You can pay the fee online by clicking here.  Our mailing address is Lely Island Estates HOA, 4915 Rattlesnake Hammock, Suite # 208, Naples, Fl 34113.  This address should be used for any forms you wish to mail us, any questions that you may wish to ask, or any other issues. 
Home owners, in Lely Island Estates, have access to the members section of the website which contains news and information of interest to home owners.  See the Menu to the left under Members for more detail.  Be sure to click on news to see the latest news.  If you are a new homeowner, in Lely Island, you can register on line by clicking here or contact the administrator for help by clicking here and select admin.